General Contracting.
General contracting at Xpertek
After years of quality emergency response services, our happy clients asked us to submit bids for their general contracting jobs. We’ve since added dedicated project management coordinators to service all bids and support project managers in facilitating work.
Our capacity
For non-emergency response projects, we prefer contracts under 1 million dollars, qualified through our own assessment.
We always attempt to utilize our own resources for any of the work we can produce in house. This permits a better grasp on the production schedule and minimizes aggravations as the contract progresses. We have strong relations with multiple sub trades in the electrical, plumbing and heating services to fulfill the requirements of the whole job.
Typically Xpertek provides general contracting services to the same institutions we service for our emergency and handyman services.
- Fit up of multiple rooms in institutions such as: hospital rooms, classrooms, offices, lecture halls
- Building of portables for school boards
- Design of custom-made solutions for additions
- Building temporary areas
- Transformation of areas